
Liberated at 35

If not for my solo work soujourn I wouldn't have discovered my old blogposts. I had written them as future notes to myself and I am my future self today and 'Oh Boy' did I have a blast reading them. I wondered why did I stop writing them, because I loved reading them and reminded me of my quirky side. So in order to do justice to my past self I am writing this blog as my future self.  I am two daughters old now, it was lot more easier and outsourced this time around. I was definitely far less stressed, which did make me feel a little bit guilty. Because how can you be a mother without any guilt, if you are not guilty you are not doing enough for your child! Oh Mother. I am in a more calmer, happier place now I have everything that I want and still a world out there to explore to paint my own canvas. As a note to my further future self, let's see how that canvas turned out!

Fortune Favours the bold

 I journeyed into entrepreneurship last year. To be precise 7th Jan, 2023. All odd numbers, not my favourite. But entrepreneurship is all about going against the odds so here I am a year later going against it all. Last year I attended a conference in the US for the first time. I was not very sure what I want to talk about and how I would present myself , was just following the advice from the other half 'Find inspiration'. But because I had spent so much money to be there in a very white audience I did what I could, walked to every booth made some connects and went back home. During the course of year, everything that happened later all I did was forgotten (by me). Then this year I came prepared I had researched everyone who is attending, with a pitch in hand which was ready to be shared, I had a business card and an official email id, which was less embarrassing than sharing your gmail. The first few discussions were about rejections and no's which had me disheartened but

Top of my Life

Every other day on Facebook, Insta, Youtube and any other medium you can get your hands on, we hear about people who were not the best in their class, were bullied, dropped out of school and today are at the top of their lives. All of them are really engaging stories, I love them and I see that many others too, each such post has over a million views. But being a straight A student for most of my life, I started wondering is their something wrong with me for not having anything wrong, because for sure people who had something wrong are making it big. And for some more time I put in effort to figure out what aspects of me can be made to look wrong as that seemed to be the only way to success. But I am not a great fan of wrong, I really like right. Is it wrong to be right? Last that I can remember parents were really proud of kids who were like that and I am going to be proud of my kid too if she does it right.  That reminds of how social media is filling up with stories of 'How it i

The art of managing MIL

As I have spent significant time co-living with my Mother In Law (MIL), I have been asked by lot of curious peers how did I do it. It goes unsaid that a relationship works only if the two parties involved make effort to make it happen, so I need to give due credit to my MIL to make it work. Also a disclaimer that my MIL has been the most open minded, forth coming person I have met and she has been a critical factor in ensuring that our Marriage is a happy one. With that said, here I am doling out some very useful tips on Managing your MIL, I have so many more maybe I will start a blog series about it. To start with here are the Top 10 1. MIL is an aberration in your marriage. Don't try to fix it just learn to manage it. 2 Accept the fact that there are some relationships in the world which are just meant to be in a certain way, and the one with your MIL falls under that. MIL's are meant to be painful accept it. 3 There are high chances that one day you will be a MI

The Candid Toilet

I love to observe and one of my favorite places to do so is at the washrooms :). ( It goes unsaid that I have access only to female washrooms ). By washrooms I mean the ones at work , malls and airports. In essence washrooms that allow conversations, washrooms where the basics of sanitation and hygiene are taken care and are dolled up to look pretty. The sense of bonhomie that you see among the female inhabitants of a washroom at a given point in time is rare. Lot of times they are strangers to each other but still that knowing/unknowing look they share while surreptitiously glancing at the mirror is fascinating to see. And undeniably they are the best places for Fashion advice, from hair makeup to dressing to shoes. Free and from the heart. I think nothing bonds two female more than there need to be beautiful, it is almost genetic. But conversations are not just restricted to beauty, conversations about friends, boy friends, pregnancy, child rearing, managing parents, in

3 years later....

My daughter is 3 now, things are getting better. Questions on how it will turn out are answered. Guilt has reduced. Life seems Happy and more in Control now. Now that I am back being my original self , I see that I have to deal with the same personal struggles and conflicts that had haunted me earlier. I am the same me, just with a lot lesser hair! Somehow I thought that having a kid will induce maternal feelings in me, which will make me a Mother Goddess who can save the world!! And I will not have to deal with any of the day to day anymore!!! But Alas, that was not to happen.... 3 years later I see that motherhood was a nice excuse (read pessimist) or a nice vacation (read optimist) which gave me some time off from the eventual. But after the craziness got sorted, I need to deal with myself all over again!!😳😳😳 So I say enjoy it while it lasts. ( Such a transformation in thought - a note to my 3 year old back self )


We are openly speaking about it, awareness is lot more, there is lot of content in popular media, stigma appears to be lesser, our next generation might not even have to deal with it. Seems like good times are here. I came across an observation recently, which can add some more discussion around it. I took a decision a month back which on a sunny day I wouldn't have. I made the decision right at the start of my periods. This led me to a realization that I make the best decisions and am the most positive person after my periods are over and the next two weeks after that. As I start nearing the end of my menstrual cycle ( and start of the next one ) I become gloomy and irritated with a direct impact on me as a person and on the quality of decisions I make. Since the decision I made was at the workplace I was hoping I could openly go and tell my Male Manager   "I made it at the start of my periods, hormones you know. Let's just ignore it" Leave alone telling it